A Colorful Victory: Peter Malnati Wins Valspar Championship with a Unique Twist

A Colorful Victory: Peter Malnati Wins Valspar Championship with a Unique Twist

In an inspiring turn of events, Peter Malnati clinched victory at the Valspar Championship, but it wasn't just his superb skills that caught the audience's attention. Malnati made a distinctive choice that set him apart from his competitors – he played with a yellow golf ball, a decision inspired not by strategy or superstition, but by a pure, heartfelt connection to his family.

The Inspiration Behind the Yellow Ball

Malnati's decision to opt for the bright yellow ball was influenced by his young child's fondness for the color. "Well, I started using it in Minnesota at the 3M Championship last summer," Malnati explained. He continued, sharing the familial motivation behind his choice, "And the reason I switched to it is because my, at the time, 3-year-old, who is now 4, liked them." It's a touching reminder of how the simplest things, like a child's preference for a color, can have such profound impacts, even in the competitive realm of professional golf.

Interestingly, Malnati mentioned that his son might have moved past his fascination with the yellow ball, but for Malnati, the ball still holds significant sentimental value. Each swing not only is a step closer to victory but also a cherished reminder of his son. "He's kind of over it now, but it still makes me think of him, and that's worth a smile or two," said Malnati. This mental boost seems to have a positive effect on his performance, showing how personal motivation can translate into professional success.

A Significant Win at the Innisbrook Resort

The Valspar Championship, held at the Innisbrook Resort's Copperhead Course, was the stage for Malnati's memorable win. He managed to secure the championship by finishing two shots ahead of his closest competitor, Cameron Young. This victory served not only as a testament to his skill and determination but also marked a significant milestone in his career.

For Malnati, this was his second PGA Tour win, a follow-up to his 2015 triumph at the Sanderson Farms Championship. Such achievements underscore his resilience and consistency in the sport, tracing a trajectory of growth and success over the years.

Following a Tradition of Colorful Innovations in Golf

While Malnati's choice of a yellow ball might seem unconventional, it follows a longstanding tradition in golf where players have occasionally deviated from the standard white balls in favor of more vibrant options. Notable precedents include golfers like Jerry Pate and Wayne Levi, who have also embraced colored balls in competition. Pate, in particular, enjoyed success with orange golf balls, securing three wins in the early 1980s. Like Pate and Levi, Malnati's choice is a testament to personal preference making a mark on the professional stage.


Peter Malnati's victory at the Valspar Championship is a story that goes beyond the scorecards. It's a narrative woven with personal preference, family influence, and the pursuit of success. His choice to use a yellow golf ball, inspired by his young son's liking for the color, adds a unique layer to his identity on the golf course. Malnati's journey is a compelling reminder of how individuality can shine through in the traditional and competitive world of sports.

The significance of Malnati's win is multifaceted. Not only does it mark an important milestone in his professional career, but it also highlights the power of personal motivation and the importance of family. Malnati's story demonstrates that sometimes, success in the competitive arena can be fueled by the simplest, most heartfelt inspirations.

As Malnati continues to compete at the highest levels of golf, his unique choice of ball serves as an emblem of his personal journey and the joyous motivation behind it. It's a reminder to the world of sports and beyond that sometimes, the key to success lies in embracing our individuality and finding strength in our personal connections.