Arbitrator Rules in Favor of Terry McDonough in Legal Battle Against Arizona Cardinals

Arbitrator Rules in Favor of Terry McDonough in Legal Battle Against Arizona Cardinals

In a notable decision that has sent waves throughout the NFL, an arbitrator has decided that the Arizona Cardinals are obligated to pay a sum close to $3 million to their former executive, Terry McDonough. This ruling marks a significant conclusion to a case that has drawn considerable attention due to its implications within the sports management industry and the allegations of misconduct levied against prominent figures within the Cardinals organization.

The Award Breakdown

The financial compensation awarded to McDonough is broken down into several categories, highlighting the nature and impact of the grievances he brought forward. Of the nearly $3 million total, $2.25 million is classified as punitive damages, intended not only to compensate McDonough for his losses but also to serve as a deterrent against similar conduct by the Cardinals or any other entity in the future. Additionally, McDonough is to receive $600,000 for emotional distress, acknowledging the personal toll this ordeal has taken on him. Lastly, $150,000 has been allocated for harm to his reputation, a critical aspect of the case given the high-profile nature of the allegations and the parties involved.

Respect for the Ruling

In response to the arbitrator's decision, the Arizona Cardinals issued a statement expressing their respect for the findings. This acknowledgment is crucial as it indicates an acceptance of the arbitration process and its outcome, although it does not necessarily imply agreement with the details of the ruling or an admission of wrongdoing.

Allegations of Misconduct

The crux of McDonough's complaint revolved around accusations of misconduct by Michael Bidwill, owner of the Cardinals. McDonough alleged that his demotion within the organization was not due to performance issues but rather his opposition to questionable practices, including the use of "burner phones". These allegations pointed to a deeper issue within the Cardinals' management structure and raised serious questions about the ethical conduct of its leaders.

The Impact on McDonough’s Career

Despite not being formally fired, McDonough contended that the reasons behind his staffing change were unfounded and effectively masked a retaliatory action by the Cardinals. This situation led to significant professional repercussions for McDonough. Notably, he claimed that two respected figures in the NFL, Joe Douglas and Eric DeCosta, expressed interest in hiring him. However, they were ultimately dissuaded from doing so due to the defamatory statements made by the Cardinals. This aspect of the case highlights the profound impact that defamation can have on an individual's career, particularly in a tight-knit industry like professional sports. Although the arbitrator recognized the adverse effects on McDonough's career prospects, it was determined that he could not conclusively prove that these opportunities would have certainly materialized if not for the Cardinals' actions.

Denial of Liability

Throughout the proceedings, Michael Bidwill maintained a denial of liability for McDonough's claims, a stance that underscores the contentious nature of this case. Despite this denial, the resolution of the arbitration brings a degree of closure to the parties involved, allowing them to move forward from this dispute.

Gratitude for Resolution

The Cardinals' expression of gratitude for the conclusion of this arbitration process echoes a sentiment of relief that a legal resolution has been achieved. This statement, while courteous, also leaves open interpretations regarding the organization's reflections on the case and any potential internal changes it might prompt.


The case between Terry McDonough and the Arizona Cardinals stands as a poignant reminder of the complexities involved in sports management and the significant consequences that allegations of misconduct can have on individuals and organizations alike. As the dust settles on this arbitration, the broader implications for the NFL and its handling of executive disputes remain a topic of discussion among professionals and fans alike.