Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development's Stellar Performance at the Circuit des Ardennes

Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development's Stellar Performance at the Circuit des Ardennes

In an event marked by strategic racing and team collaboration, Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development showcased exceptional performance at the Circuit des Ardennes, one of the most challenging races in the cycling calendar. Among the standout performers was Tijmen Graat, who clinched third place overall, propelling his team to the summit of competitive cycling.

Graat's Podium Finish

Graat's journey through the Circuit des Ardennes was a testament to resilience and tactical prowess. Securing a commendable eighth place in the final stage, he was instrumental in ensuring his podium finish. This result was in alignment with the team's ambition, which was heavily focused on defending Graat's position in the overall standings. Graat, evidently content with his performance, admitted to the superior strength of two competitors who edged him out, yet expressed satisfaction with his outcome. His sentiment, "I can be satisfied with this. Of course, you hope for more and do everything you can to move up another place, but unfortunately, this was it. Two men were simply stronger," underscored a spirit of humility and recognition of the fierce competition.

Strategic Team Dynamics

The Circuit des Ardennes victory was not solely Graat's; it was a collective achievement underscored by the dedication and strategy from the entire Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development. The absence of Matthew Brennan from the final stage due to fitness concerns could have hampered the team's morale, yet it inspired a unified effort to secure their standings. The team's comradeship was vividly displayed as Jed Smithson, Morten Nørtoft, and Tom Schellekens played pivotal roles in supporting Graat, especially in the final stage where their strategic positioning and awareness were crucial.

Tom Schellekens, in particular, emerged as a critical player. His efforts in the final stage were not just about countering attacks but also ensuring that he was a strong contender, finishing fourth and demonstrating the depth of talent within the team. This collective effort and strategy were central to the team clinching the prestigious team classification victory, a remarkable accomplishment that underscored their dominance and teamwork.

De Haan's Praises and the Team's Future Aspirations

Sierk-Jan de Haan, the team's sports director, lauded the team's performance and strategic execution throughout the race. "The goal was to finish as good as possible in every stage and that worked out well. The boys did a great race," he remarked, emphasizing the team's consistent effort and determination. In detailed analysis, de Haan outlined the final stage's strategy aimed at securing Graat's third place. He highlighted the challenge presented by the course, which necessitated constant acceleration - a contrast to Graat's specialization in longer climbs. Yet, through tactical positioning and teamwork, the team triumphed.

De Haan further acknowledged the teamwork and strategy that led to their victory in the team classification. "Today we did everything we could to secure Tijmen's third place... As a team, we were very strong and it's fantastic that it was rewarded with the team classification," he stated, underlining the essence of teamwork in achieving collective success.

Graat's Future Aspirations and Growth

Graat, reflecting on the Circuit des Ardennes, acknowledged the race's difficulty and its role in his development as a cyclist. He highlighted the race's significance in learning better positioning, handling corners, and enhancing his climbing abilities. "We chose this race to challenge me... Here I learn to position, ride better corners, and climb better. Besides, I really liked going for my own chance," he shared, indicating his appreciation for the opportunities afforded to him to pursue personal ambitions.

His preference for longer climbs was evident, evidenced by his remark, "I ESPECIALLY LIKE THE LONGER CLIMBS," showcasing his enthusiasm for challenging himself and excelling in areas that align with his strength. Graat's perspective reveals a dedicated athlete, eager to grow and contribute significantly to his team's achievements.


The Circuit des Ardennes was more than just a race for Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development; it was a display of strategic excellence, teamwork, and individual growth. With Graat's podium finish and the team's classification victory, the team has set a high benchmark for future races. The unity, strategy, and dedication showcased by the team are indicative of their potential to achieve greater heights in the competitive cycling arena. As Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development reflects on their success at the Circuit des Ardennes, they look forward to future challenges with confidence and eagerness to excel.